Today in the Studio

Posted by on Jul 9, 2014 in Blog, New Products | No Comments

Wow! I can’t believe I haven’t posted what’s happening ‘in the studio’ since May. Believe me, I’ve been in there working hard. I have been focusing on The Artist’s Garden Studio Tour, so most of my recent writings are about the garden. Here’s an update on the studio:

I am trying to keep up with the demand for berry bowls. Here’s the latest crop in production –

Berry bowls drying upside down.

Berry bowls drying upside down

These and butter dishes are really popular right now. Recent studies show that butter is much better for us than margerine, and folks seem to be getting the message. I make two varieties that are drying on my racks as we speak.

Domed butter dishes and French butter dishes

Domed butter dishes and French butter dishes

This week I had to prune some branches off my Garry Oak Tree, so I took the opportunity to impress some leaves into some slab work. I plan on painting these in bright greens at a later stage, but this is what they look like so far…

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Garry Oak impressions on slabs

oval platter

oval platter

I also had a chance to unload a crystalline glaze firing this afternoon. I am delighted with some of the effects I have gotten. These now need to be chiseled off their pedestals then the bottoms need to be ground and smoothed with a glass grinder. It is a lot of work, but the results are worth it. I will be adding the finished products to the website tomorrow!

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By the way, if you haven’t done so, please check out some of the new stuff on the website. I have a new gallery listed in Parksville. I have also added new work to “Tidal Pool” Section of the Gallery. I have been playing with more texture, glass balls and white clay. I’m having lots of fun with these and so far the reception has been very favourable.

Be sure to visit my facebook page and click the ”like” button – I am constantly updating what is happening in the studio, in the garden and posting photos of new work. Thanks for reading my blog – I welcome comments and look forward to your visit to my studio, gallery and garden soon!

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