Gaia’s Garden

Mother Earth needs our help!
As I write to you, we are all dealing with covid-19 and operating under physical isolation practises. This deadly virus has impacted all aspects of our lives and will do so for some time to come. But even before this virus took us down, Mother Earth has been losing the battle of creating balance on our planet for a very long time.
The climate crisis has been getting out of control and for most of my lifetime, we have been warned by environmentalists to stop the pollution, stop the over use of fossil fuels, stop the mass disposal of single use plastics and stop choking us, filling us with toxins and killing our land, animals, air and water. Nothing, before this virus, gave industry, governments and common folks the motivation to make the changes we needed so desperately.

But all the while, Gaia, the Greek symbol for Mother Nature, has been quietly working away to the best of her ability. She is a master of creating the proper balance in all things. We have become masters of throwing things off balance. The covid-19 crisis has stopped many of our descructive practises and as we look around the world, we see some balance being restored as we rest and stop the madness of destroying our planet.
Just as we need to honour our local heros who are fighting this virus on the front lines, I felt it was time to honour Gaia – our mother – who has been quietly and diligently repeating her work of renewing that which has been destroyed by man. My Gaia sculptures represent a dedicated mother who does her best to nurture all of nature, be it plant, animal or mineral. Mothers have always been our heros. Gaia is the biggest one of all. Let’s honour her work by refusing to allow ourselves to go back to our destructive ways.
We see a light as we tuck into what is important – our health, our air, our friends and loved ones. We can all be Gaia by making the right choices going forward.

April 16, 2020Beautiful Peg
She’s much bigger than I thought and helps you heal too.
April 16, 2020Thanks Sue. “Ode to Joy” is my largest sculpture to date. She had to be fired in two pieces in the kiln, then put back together post firing. Quite a learning adventure. This post firing finishing takes me back to my learnings when I went to Greece to study sculpture about eight years ago!
Love these!
April 16, 2020I have always loved your pottery Peggy and I especially like these garden sculptures!…would love to have one for my garden.
April 16, 2020Thank you so much! It’s a brand new direction for me and I’m having fun! When you are ready, let’s talk!
April 16, 2020It is interesting that it took something like Covid19 to get the world to slow down and learn that we can live with less.
April 16, 2020Thanks for your comment, Maggie! Let’s hope we learn the lessons and make the changes we need to after this crisis!