Update on Metal Stands
You may recall my last posting about these wonderful metal stands that Miranda’s boyfriend, Cass made for me. This is where we left off at that time:
Since then, I have fired, glazed and fired again the ceramic inserts for these garden pieces. Here they are as I first assembled them:
Thanks to Brad for installing the chain in the hanging bird bath. My next task was to choose a home my new artwork. I wanted them to be easily visible but to have a place of honour without overwhelming all my other artwork in the garden.
I have a flowering tree I have never been in love with and now was the time to remove it – since it was in what seems to me to be the perfect spot for a planter!
The second planter decided to be placed beside the driveway where my Palm Tree mound is. The palms are slow in developing, so the garden is less than spectacular as it stands. It is my hope that the two palms will flourish very soon, but until then, Cass’ metal stand will spruce up the spot!
Next up was to choose some plants. It is the first week of July and planting season is long past, but Home Depot still has a great selection (although alot of the plants are getting sad), and end of season sales are always fun. So off I went…
The flowers on the left and right were a great discovery. They are a specialty geranium called “Vancouver Centennial” The varigated leaves look like maple leaves and will become a wonderful feature in the palm tree garden.
So, here we go…
I can’t wait for Miranda and Cass to come and visit again to see what we have created together. It is so much fun to add artwork to the garden. Next time you come the challenge will be to count just how many treasures I have collected over the years!