Fall Events

Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in Blog, Galleries | One Comment

It doesn’t feel like it yet, as we are still experiencing glorious days, but autumn is arriving in just a few days. As I write this, the gardens are full of colour and balmy weather prevails, even though the trees have a slight tinge of yellow and orange.  However, there are other distinct signs of the end of summer.

First of all, my summer show at Dales Gallery in Victoria has closed. Many thanks to those of you who made it down to Chinatown in Victoria to view the gallery. Sales were good, so I will probably return again next summer.

Secondly, I am busy preparing for the 2012 Island Arts Expo in Qualicum Bay, BC. This popular show is run by our friends Susan and Jeff at Island Arts Magazine. It runs Saturday and Sunday  November 3 and 4th from 10am til 4pm.  I will be showing my work there for the first time and Brad will be a guest speaker for the second time.

His topic this year will be “Shoot Your Art” where he will give you foolproof tips and strategies to photograph art. If you want to register for Brad’s workshop or learn more about Island Arts Expo, please go to www.islandartsexpo.ca. I hope to see you there!

Sadly, due to circumstances beyond my control, my fall sessions of pottery classes have been cancelled. If you would like to register for a January class, please check the schedule here. If you are already on my waiting list, I will be contacting you in December to set up classes for the winter.

Meanwhile, I am busy in the studio as usual, so if you are in the area, please feel free to drop by and say hello. Please note: we have changed our hours. Turning Point Arts is now open Monday til Friday from 9 am til 5 pm.

Thanks for reading my blog – I hope you are having a magical and creative adventure in your life!



1 Comment

  1. Maggie Rowe
    September 18, 2012

    Glad to hear your show in Victoria went well, your work is so beautiful. I hope the Qualicum show goes well. Best wishes, thinking of you.


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